come?” During the address, Whitefield suddenly burst into tears crying, “Oh, hearers! The wrath to come! The
wrath to come!” Robert felt Whitefield was addressing him alone and those words stayed with him. He carried this conviction of sin for three long years until he finally gave his life to the Lord at age 20. By 23, Robert was
in the ministry and wrote the hymn, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”, to accompany his sermon for Pentecost Sunday in 1757.
Most will know the lines, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it; prone to leave the God I love.” An unconfirmed story goes that Robert did in fact wander, and ended up in his latter years in France and one night when travelling in a coach, a Parisian woman was reading the poem, “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”, and turning to Robert, she asked what he thought of the poem. Hearing the very words he had written, he wept and confessed, “Madam, I am that wanderer,” to which she quickly responded, “But see, here is the way back, ‘streams of mercy never ceasing…’” and it is said that Robinson repented, and once more returned to the Saviour he had met as a 20 year old.