Hello, my name is Paul. I’m a mechanic from Clarina, Limerick. I’d really appreciate if you’d take a little time to read this and think about it. I grew up in a typical Irish home, me, my parents, and two sisters, (various goldfish and the odd stray dog too!). I was brought to church as a child but to be honest, never really thought much about religion or God or anything. As far as I was concerned, when you died, you went into a 6ft hole in the ground and that was the end of you. As I grew up, I started to do the things that teenagers do, smoked my first joint at 13 or 14, got drunk with my friends, all of that sort of stuff. Mam and Dad got a divorce too and looking back, I was probably looking to escape reality a bit. So I naturally just started using drugs more and more. I started to live MY life MY way. And I loved it!
I looked for fulfilment in drugs, drink, fast cars, motorbikes, women and a lot more. I got in trouble with the law, and did lots of things I shouldn’t have, and now regret. I was a rebel and through my selfishness, hurt those around me, but I was busy living MY life MY way.
My Dad became a Christian and was always telling me about Jesus. It used to drive me mad, him always going on about God, and church. What did he know anyway? As far as I was concerned, I was fine living MY life MY way.
Or so I thought........
One cold night in January ’09 I was fixing my car at home. Outwardly if you’d have known me you would have said I was fine but inwardly I was a broken mess of a man. Backed into a corner with nowhere left to run. By now I had a drug addiction that I was struggling to cope with. I was depressed, paranoid, and hopeless. For reasons I can’t explain, I started to call out to Jesus. Like a little child, crying helplessly, I stood, elbows on the roof of the car, head in hands, and begged Jesus to take away my drug addiction, and change my life. He answered that prayer. Right there and then He took that rebellious part of me and put in its place a part that wanted to be obedient to Him. I never touched a drink or drug since.
God did that to me. He also gave me a desire to read the Bible and to pray to Him every day. God is the most real thing in my life now! I can truly say I love Jesus, because 2000 years ago, He took the punishment for MY sin. He was perfect, never sinned once, yet He willingly died for my sin!
People sometimes say to me, “you have great faith” thinking they’re paying me a compliment. They’re not. You see, If you had an awful, consuming disease, and a particular doctor healed you, you would then have great faith in that doctor’s abilities. If someone then observes your “great faith”, it is a compliment to the doctor, not you. Well now I just trust Jesus, because He healed my sin-sick soul, and He’s the only one that could do that.
Friend, the reason I’ve wrote this to you, is this, Jesus opened my eyes to the truth, and He will do it for you too. You, me
and everyone else on this planet have one thing in common, we are all sinners. You might disagree with me. I ask you to be honest with yourself, and before God, have you ever lied? Ever stolen something? (even if its small). Ever bowed down to / prayed before a statue or picture? (Mary, Buddha, Padre Pio, etc). Ever used Jesus’/God’s name as a curse word or as a way to express yourself? Have you always been obedient to and honoured your parents? Ever coveted someone else’s property? How about looking at someone else with lust? God is so Holy He considers that to be adultery. Ever hated someone? God views hatred as murder. Your religious denomination or church may not tell you that all of the above is sin, and they almost certainly will not tell you that your sin condemns you to Hell, for all eternity. Think about that.
Friend, sin WILL prevent you from knowing God and going to Heaven when you die. God does not want you to go to Hell. That is why He sent His only son Jesus to pay for your sin. You see, Jesus lived a perfect life. It was so perfect that it pleased God. Nothing you or I ever do can make us pleasing to God. You need Jesus’ perfection transferred to your life to “cover” your sin.
In the Bible, God commands you to repent. That means you must turn away from living YOUR life for YOU, Trust in Jesus as your saviour, and walk every day with Him. Read your Bible, because IT IS GOD’S WORD FOR YOU. Do not trust in a man-made religion to get you to heaven, but trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
Pray to God and ask His forgiveness for your sin against Him. If your heart is right, God will forgive you. Ask Him to cover your life with the blood of Jesus that was shed for your sin. Turn away from sin, and keep turning away from it. Jesus said ”I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.” It’s not through Mary or Muhammed or Buddha or Padre Pio or good works that you will be saved. ONLY THROUGH JESUS.
The Bible makes it clear that you can KNOW that you have eternal life, but you must know Jesus. Knowing about Him isn’t enough, you must have a personal relationship with Him.
You know, Jesus said “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever will save his life will lose it: and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” To follow Jesus will cost you EVERYTHING your life on this earth means, but it means a part for you in the greatest kingdom this world has never seen, the Kingdom of Heaven, for all of eternity.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I’m so delighted to be able to share with you this great news! I hope and pray that you will find salvation through Jesus.
I looked for fulfilment in drugs, drink, fast cars, motorbikes, women and a lot more. I got in trouble with the law, and did lots of things I shouldn’t have, and now regret. I was a rebel and through my selfishness, hurt those around me, but I was busy living MY life MY way.
My Dad became a Christian and was always telling me about Jesus. It used to drive me mad, him always going on about God, and church. What did he know anyway? As far as I was concerned, I was fine living MY life MY way.
Or so I thought........
One cold night in January ’09 I was fixing my car at home. Outwardly if you’d have known me you would have said I was fine but inwardly I was a broken mess of a man. Backed into a corner with nowhere left to run. By now I had a drug addiction that I was struggling to cope with. I was depressed, paranoid, and hopeless. For reasons I can’t explain, I started to call out to Jesus. Like a little child, crying helplessly, I stood, elbows on the roof of the car, head in hands, and begged Jesus to take away my drug addiction, and change my life. He answered that prayer. Right there and then He took that rebellious part of me and put in its place a part that wanted to be obedient to Him. I never touched a drink or drug since.
God did that to me. He also gave me a desire to read the Bible and to pray to Him every day. God is the most real thing in my life now! I can truly say I love Jesus, because 2000 years ago, He took the punishment for MY sin. He was perfect, never sinned once, yet He willingly died for my sin!
People sometimes say to me, “you have great faith” thinking they’re paying me a compliment. They’re not. You see, If you had an awful, consuming disease, and a particular doctor healed you, you would then have great faith in that doctor’s abilities. If someone then observes your “great faith”, it is a compliment to the doctor, not you. Well now I just trust Jesus, because He healed my sin-sick soul, and He’s the only one that could do that.
Friend, the reason I’ve wrote this to you, is this, Jesus opened my eyes to the truth, and He will do it for you too. You, me
and everyone else on this planet have one thing in common, we are all sinners. You might disagree with me. I ask you to be honest with yourself, and before God, have you ever lied? Ever stolen something? (even if its small). Ever bowed down to / prayed before a statue or picture? (Mary, Buddha, Padre Pio, etc). Ever used Jesus’/God’s name as a curse word or as a way to express yourself? Have you always been obedient to and honoured your parents? Ever coveted someone else’s property? How about looking at someone else with lust? God is so Holy He considers that to be adultery. Ever hated someone? God views hatred as murder. Your religious denomination or church may not tell you that all of the above is sin, and they almost certainly will not tell you that your sin condemns you to Hell, for all eternity. Think about that.
Friend, sin WILL prevent you from knowing God and going to Heaven when you die. God does not want you to go to Hell. That is why He sent His only son Jesus to pay for your sin. You see, Jesus lived a perfect life. It was so perfect that it pleased God. Nothing you or I ever do can make us pleasing to God. You need Jesus’ perfection transferred to your life to “cover” your sin.
In the Bible, God commands you to repent. That means you must turn away from living YOUR life for YOU, Trust in Jesus as your saviour, and walk every day with Him. Read your Bible, because IT IS GOD’S WORD FOR YOU. Do not trust in a man-made religion to get you to heaven, but trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
Pray to God and ask His forgiveness for your sin against Him. If your heart is right, God will forgive you. Ask Him to cover your life with the blood of Jesus that was shed for your sin. Turn away from sin, and keep turning away from it. Jesus said ”I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.” It’s not through Mary or Muhammed or Buddha or Padre Pio or good works that you will be saved. ONLY THROUGH JESUS.
The Bible makes it clear that you can KNOW that you have eternal life, but you must know Jesus. Knowing about Him isn’t enough, you must have a personal relationship with Him.
You know, Jesus said “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever will save his life will lose it: and whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” To follow Jesus will cost you EVERYTHING your life on this earth means, but it means a part for you in the greatest kingdom this world has never seen, the Kingdom of Heaven, for all of eternity.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I’m so delighted to be able to share with you this great news! I hope and pray that you will find salvation through Jesus.