Church Oversight
Our desire is to establish a strong Eldership and Deaconship as the Lord leads. Leadership needs time to qualify itself, room to grow and mature, and time to gain experience. Eldership carries the responsibility of spiritual leadership and ministry to the flock, while Deaconship carries the responsibility of the natural practical side of things within the church as an aid and help to the function of elders. While elders are vital, necessary and inevitable, the need for and operation of deacons depend upon the local situation. All those who operate in the spiritual as well as practical spheres of church life must first be qualified, proven, and approved. We are never in a rush to lay hands on anyone. The Eldership is not only qualified by the testimony of their own godly life and example but also by that of their wives who fulfil a vital supportive role in the church. Although their wife's are neither pastors nor elders they are however essential to the leadership and healthy running of the church. We encourage the practise of strong marriages and strong family units as a part of leadership qualification.
Keith & Ana Malcomson
Keith Malcomson is originally from Banbridge, County Down, in Northern Ireland, but he has lived in several different countries over the years. He has functioned in a great diversity of ministry with broad spiritual experience among many different churches and nationalities in Europe and further-a-field. He has served in full time ministry since 1993, first in evangelistic work on the streets of several different countries, as well as in overseeing a local assembly in Scotland for several years, followed by a travelling ministry teaching the Word in different nations. After thirteen years of constant travels to preach and teach the Word of God in Europe and other nations, as well as holding short term Bible Schools to train leaders for ministry, the Lord called Keith to start a new church here in Limerick. He now oversees it and ministers to it through the Word of God alongside other God-called and gifted men. He lost his wife, Candace, of 16 years in August 2022. He married Ana DePuy in November 2024.
Ana Malcomson is originally from Panama, Central America. She moved with her family to the US at the age of six. She was aided in learning English by reading the Bible which led to her early conversion to Christ. From youth she was raised in a godly biblically protected home. Through reading Christian missionary testimonies she experienced a burning passion in her heart and a call to missions at a young age. She embarked on a career as a nurse believing that this would be the vehicle through which God would use her to help reach hard-to-reach peoples. She has been involved in, or led, missions to South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Her biggest burden has long been the 10/40 window. Keith has known Ana and her family since 2004. In March 2024 the Lord providentially led them together while Keith was in the US ministering for the first time in 14 years. Their hearts were quickly united as one and Ana was called to Keith's side as well as to fulfill the call that has rested upon her for many years. Their chief desire is to know and glorify Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God. |
Sofian & Hana Tlilli
Sofian Tlilli was born in Limerick. His dad was a Tunisian Muslim, and his mother an Irish Catholic. He grew up as a typical youth in the city through school age playing in a band, drinking, partying, soon moving to DJing, and generally living for himself. A good friend and work college first shared the Gospel with him and told him of his need for Christ. Shortly afterwards he attended the very first meeting of the newly formed, Limerick City Church in 2013. He was definitely deeply under deep conviction but not yet converted. At some point in those first weeks or months he came through to a real conversion in Christ. From the start he was faithful in evangelising and pursuing sinners. Over the years he has been faithfully to lead the church around the Lords table on Sundays with exhortations from scripture; he has led worship for some years; served on the board helping with the practical side of the church; and preached the Word of God on Sunday mornings. In 2023 he was publicly ordained and set apart to the task of eldership and leadership in LCC.
Where he now stands in 1a Baker Place to preach, he once stood in the exact same spot DJing, parting, and leading others into sin. Hana Tlilli was born in the Czech Republic to a typically worldly family. She became deeply involved with the New Age movement. She taught Reiki healing, had a glass skull with a spirit guide in it to lead her in life, she led others into occult practices, but she struggled deeply with everything concerning herself and her own emptiness. While living and working in Ireland she heard the Gospel for the first time from her backslidden boyfriend. This led to her reading the Bible for the first time which led her to genuine repentance and the new birth. She moved to Limerick and sought God's guidance for her future where she was providently led to LCC that first week. She soon became a committed consistent member. Sof proposed to Hana and then married her in 2018. Since then they have had two children. |
At present we are in the process of raising up a fully functioning eldership to oversee all spiritual matters in the church. These will be local men who will minister the Word of God, guard the flock, and lead in a biblical manner.
Brother Paul and brother Sof regularly lead at the Lord's Table, minister the Word of God, and look after the flock when Keith and Candace are away. They are both proven men who are faithful in the house of God. |
Sister Margaret was set apart publicly by the church in October 2019 to the function of Deaconess by the laying on of hands and prayer. She has proved herself over many years to be a faithful and vital functioning member of this local body. Sound in doctrine and holy in life. We also recognize God's grace on her life in carrying the burden of many practical areas which enables the smooth running of the building which releases Keith and Candace to concentrate on the spiritual aspects.