Every church is not a healthy church! In the teaching of our New Testament we have revealed to our vision what a healthy state in the church actually looks like. Even before the death of the apostles we see that many spiritual diseases entered and spread in the churches. These many spiritual ailments took up the form of wrong teachings, sinful acts, attitudes and corrupt leadership. The cure for these many diseases was revealed in and through the preaching of the apostles as they dealt with these things. As they contended against these ailments they revealed in their preaching, teaching and their personal examples a wonderful vision of the healthy state of the local functioning church as the body of Christ. In these teachings on THE HEALTHY FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH we will deal with spiritual disease and health in the church.
Exhorting One Another
The Headship of Christ
Members of the Body
A Prepared Body
A Chosen Vessel
A Unified Body
A Healthy Church A Vital Message
A Habitation of God
True Spiritual Wealth
Gifted Ministries