New Series
The Shadow of the Cross: The four Gospels reveal that the shadow of the Cross literally fell upon various witnesses including Roman soldiers, Jewish officials, passersby who mocked Jesus, two men crucified at the same time, family members, and faithful disciples. In this new series we are going to study those who stood around or near the Cross as Christ was crucified. When we talk about the Cross we are not essentially talking about the wood of the Cross; we shall look at the spiritual effect and influence of the work of the Cross upon individuals. JOIN US OVER THE COMING WEEKS AS WE TAKE A REMARKABLE LOOK AT THE WORK OF CHRIST ON MOUNT CALVARY.
1. The Mocking Priests
2. The Soldiers who Crucified Christ
3. Simon of Cyrene
4. The Dying Thief
5. Mary Magdalene
5b. Demons, Sinners & Christians: This brief teaching followed the message on Mary Magdalene. It is an exposition of portions of Matthew 12 which clearly prove that a person must be delivered from all indwelling demons before true salvation and that a genuine Christian cannot be demonized.
6. Mary the Mother of Jesus
7. John: The Apostle of Love
8. Joseph of Arimathea
9. Barabbas