Chapters 1-11
Chapters 1-11
In the Beginning (Pt.1)
Six Literal Days (Pt.2)
The Seventh Day and Paradise (Pt.3)
Men or Monkeys? (Pt.4)
Sin, Satan and Self (Pt.5)
Redemption, Relationship & Religion (Pt.6)
Life Without God (Pt.7)
The Early History of Mankind (Pt.8)
Noah and the Nephilim (Pt.9)
Noah's Ark (Pt.10)
Noah's Flood (Pt.11)
A Covenant Relationship with God (Pt.12)
The Sins of the Saints (Pt.13)
The Birth of Nations (Pt.14)
Nimrod and the First World Government (Pt.15)
Nimrod and the Creation of Religion (Pt.16)
The Origin of Languages (Pt.17)
Cavemen and Dinosaurs (Pt.18)
Complete Series Available Soon ...