The Ministry of Christ
In the Old Testament the nation of Israel was ruled, led, guided and ministered to by Prophets, Priests and Kings. Those who filled these three offices were anointed of oil in order to symbolize the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon them in raising them up to minister to God's people. In the OT prophesies were given concerning one who would come who would fulfil all three of these ministries perfectly in Himself - the Messiah (anointed One). When we come to the NT we see that Christ fulfils these three ministries to the Church perfectly. Many people in the Church who are born-again greatly suffer because they do not understand these ministries that the Father raised up Christ into and they generally do not know how Christ ministers in the Church. These three messages will help you enjoy and benefit from the Ministry of Christ.
Christ Our High Priest
Christ Our Prophet
Christ Our King