True to real revival, hundreds of lives were radically changed and signs followed. Some of the worst characters in the community were saved. One infamous man who had had to be restrained with rope, held by no less than FIVE policemen, was transformed instantly when he was born-again and filled with the Spirit. A lady who was ill with diphtheria and had lost her hearing and speech, was instantly healed when hands were laid on her. The town which was built mostly on mining was filled with rough, hard-working men whose hearts were touched and changed. This then affected the homes and children, and it was not uncommon to hear and see children earnestly seeking the Lord, speaking in tongues and even being used of God to bring sobering prophecies. Beyond the little Scottish town of Kilsyth, this outpouring affected nations and continents as, as with any true revival, a missionary zeal burned in hearts. When Harry Tee wrote the words and music to this revival hymn, he was both describing what happened in the Book of Acts as well as what happened in Kilsyth.
As commanded by the risen Lord,
And the promise of the Father
There they sought with one accord
When the Holy Ghost from heav’n descended
Like a rushing wind and tongues of fire:
So dear Lord, we seek Thy blessing,
Come with glory now our hearts inspire.
Let the fire fall, let the fire fall
Let the fire from heaven fall;
We are waiting and expecting
Now in faith dear Lord we call;
Let the fire fall, let the fire fall
On Thy promise we depend;
From the glory of Thy presence Let the Pentecostal fire descend.
As Elijah we would raise the altar for our testimony clear and true
Christ the Saviour, loving Healer,
Coming Lord Baptizer too
Ever flowing grace and full salvation
For a ruined race Thy love has plann’d
For this blessed revelation
For Thy written Word we dare to stand
With a living coal from off Thy altar,
Touch our lips to swell Thy wondrous praise
To extol Thee; bless, adore Thee
And our songs of worship raise;
Let the cloud of glory now descending
Fill our hearts with holy ecstacy,
Come in all Thy glorious fullness
Blessed Holy Spirit have Thy way.