In 1937 he heard the Gospel for the very first time from a group of Christians who were standing outside the local bank who were preaching in the open air. One of these men invited Frank to his home where he led him to Christ. When he returned home and told his wife what had happened she thought he was crazy but was later converted. The Lord soon placed a great burden on his heart for souls. In gratitude for all that Christ had worked in his own life he set himself to reach out to people with the Gospel. For the next 26 years he daily shared the Gospel with everyone and anyone he met and made a discipline of rising at 5am to pray. During the Second World War he would reach out to sailors on Saturday nights. He invited them home where he continued to share the Gospel with them. He always kept a pile of tracts in his pocket and most frequently went down to George Street in the centre of Sydney. He would approach people as they prepared to cross at the traffic lights and as he passed them a gospel tract he would ask “If you died within 24 hours, where would you be in eternity? Heaven or Hell?” Most often he never saw these same people again and only few stopped and talked with him who were then saved. Even though there seemed to be little fruit from this work Frank stayed faithful over the years in sowing the good seed of the Gospel.
In 1953 a preacher tracked him down after coming across Christians in different cities and countries who told of this strange messenger on George Street who had been instrumental to their salvation. As the preacher told the 50 year old Frank these wonderful testimonies he wept with joy. Until this point he knew nothing of this fruit. Only after his death did the full story come to light of preachers and missionaries in various countries who received the Gospel from Frank who then went on to lead many others to Christ.