Missing Link or Son of Adam?
Missing Link or Son of Adam?
The first Neanderthal sceleton was discovered in the Neander Valley just 8 miles from Dusseldorf, Germany, in 1856. The discovery was made in a limestone quarry in the midst of a mining project. The find consisted of "a skullcap, two femora, the three right arm bones, two of the left arm bones, ilium, and fragments of a scapula and ribs." The details of the find were first published in 1864. Initially Thomas Huxley (1825–1895), known as Darwin’s bulldog, considered these first Neanderthal remains to be fully human and not a part of the evolutionary cycle of man at all. For thirty years after its find it was the one and only bit of evidence used for evolution.
It was William King (1809–1886), a professor at Queens college Galway, in Ireland, who first claimed the bones for evolution. He suggested that the cave sediments where the fossils were found were at least 30,000 years old. In 1864 he contended that 'Neander man’ was not a modern human but a different species entirely. A primitive human whom he called Homo neanderthalensis, which we now call neanderthal (with a silent h). That year these finds were first published. Evolutionists used the finding of these bones over the following generations to their fullest by drawing reconstructed pictures of ape-like men which were only the invention of their own imagination to prove their ideas of evolution.
In 1886, portions of two Neanderthal skeletons were found in a cave in Belgium in the middle of Europe. Found with them were the remains of cave bears, hairy mammoth, and woolly rhinoceros. From this point on similar finds were made in other places in Europe. In 1908 a fuller skeleton, in fact the most complete so far, was found in France. Marcellin Boule was called in to study it and make a reconstruction of what it would have looked like. In his reports released from 1911 through until 1913 he depicted the Neanderthal as a human skeleton but with a stooped bent posture clothed in a beastly, apish, hairy form with its head thrust far forward. He also claimed that it could not speak but only grunt. However, there was clear evidence of severe deformation in the vertebrae of the skeleton caused by arthritis but Boule deliberately ignored and concealed this evidence. He never provided this vital information for others. His theories and depictions went unchallenged in secular circles for 44 years until 1957 when his reconstruction was thoroughly investigated and rejected.Boule had definitely and deliberately altered facts and fabricated information. This mythical reconstruction was used continually during this period to brainwash people and promote the idea of evolution. Even after its exposure depictions of Boule's apish Neanderthal were still used in museums and media for further decades to teach the theory of evolution.
Dr. Jack Cuozzo, a professional orthodontist (one who specializes as a dentist in diagnosis, prevention, and correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws), embarked upon an original study of Neanderthal fossil specimens in 1979 in the countries of France, the UK including Gibraltar), Belgium, and Germany which included specimens from Zambia in Africa and the Middle East. He was the very first person in history to take radio-graphs of the Neanderthal skulls. In France he found that the jaw of the Neanderthal was set in the wrong place. It was 30 mm (3 cm) out of socket and moved forward totally out of its right place. This would be considered an extremely dislocated jaw. He found the exact same thing in all four national museums. The jaws were out of socket and moved forward to look more apelike. In one case the plastic duplicate of the Neanderthal skull, made for display, did not at all resemble the original. He found several other inconsistencies which revealed deliberate obscuring of the evidence to promote the idea of evolution. In 1998 he published his findings in his book Buried Alive.
Even with constant exposures like this many scientists and scholars have continued to hold up a mythical Neanderthal of their own inventing right up until just recently. It has been constantly pushed through mass media and education that they first existed about 450,000 years ago through until 30,000 years ago when they became totally extinct. These extremely ancient claims have persisted even though only one specimen of a Neanderthal shows any signs of fossilization which of course is always a real sign of age. Until just recently they continued to style Neanderthal as primitive, brutish, cavemen, predominantly living in Europe, with little intelligence, skill, or interaction with humans (Homo Sapiens).
Even with constant exposures like this many scientists and scholars have continued to hold up a mythical Neanderthal of their own inventing right up until just recently. It has been constantly pushed through mass media and education that they first existed about 450,000 years ago through until 30,000 years ago when they became totally extinct. These extremely ancient claims have persisted even though only one specimen of a Neanderthal shows any signs of fossilization which of course is always a real sign of age. Until just recently they continued to style Neanderthal as primitive, brutish, cavemen, predominantly living in Europe, with little intelligence, skill, or interaction with humans (Homo Sapiens).
About 500 specimens of Neanderthal have been found over the past 150 years at 124 sites. This is far more than any other proposed Missing Link. In other wards an awful lot rests upon the Neanderthal for the Evolutionist. It is their prime evidence. But it is almost impossible to know how many have been found as just one of these specimens can amount to no more than one bone from the skull or one tooth from the mouth. Out of these 500 specimens there are only 12 complete skeletons. These specimens have been found at sites in Europe, Russia, Asia, Israel, Iraq, and Africa. While most evolutionists have believed that the Neanderthal was confined to Europe without any interbreeding with Humans, this has been proved false. Of course biology itself reveals and proves that we are related. In 2014 DNA research was published revealing that our DNA is 99.8% similar to Neanderthals. Most of us have 2% and many 4% Neanderthal genes. And more than that, Africans also have Neanderthal DNA, which until recently was denied. One writer has said, "The data suggests that Neanderthals are as closely related to humans as Chinese are to Germans, or French to Javanese." Of course these DNA results are still limited by the amount of specimens and will only broaden with new finds. In summary they are not a missing link at all but family members of Adam's race.
But we must note that there are certain distinctions. Common traits in the specimens found and studied are as follows. The Neanderthal had a larger skull case than most present day humans, and their brain was about 13% larger than ours and twice as large as apes. They had sloping foreheads, large brow ridges above the eyes, large eye sockets, short angled necks, larger face, large broad nose and mouth. Their bodies were stocky, powerful, muscular, with larger lung capacity, large joints and large hands but shorter arms. Scholars, scientists, and media are only now finally beginning to admit that the Neanderthal were no primitive cavemen but rather a highly intelligent people who carefully buried their dead ritually and religiously, carried out surgical amputation and set broken arms, they used instruments and tools with great intricate skill, used boats to sail the Mediterranean, used fire to heat water, produced art like cave paintings, jewelry, and ornaments with engravings, and used flutes with the seven note system. They possessed all the same functions and traits as us. They lived with us, worked with us, married us, had children with us, and were buried with us. In recent pictures and descriptions they now stand upright, they have lost their hairy bodies, and they speak, which again was denied until one or two years ago.
But we must note that there are certain distinctions. Common traits in the specimens found and studied are as follows. The Neanderthal had a larger skull case than most present day humans, and their brain was about 13% larger than ours and twice as large as apes. They had sloping foreheads, large brow ridges above the eyes, large eye sockets, short angled necks, larger face, large broad nose and mouth. Their bodies were stocky, powerful, muscular, with larger lung capacity, large joints and large hands but shorter arms. Scholars, scientists, and media are only now finally beginning to admit that the Neanderthal were no primitive cavemen but rather a highly intelligent people who carefully buried their dead ritually and religiously, carried out surgical amputation and set broken arms, they used instruments and tools with great intricate skill, used boats to sail the Mediterranean, used fire to heat water, produced art like cave paintings, jewelry, and ornaments with engravings, and used flutes with the seven note system. They possessed all the same functions and traits as us. They lived with us, worked with us, married us, had children with us, and were buried with us. In recent pictures and descriptions they now stand upright, they have lost their hairy bodies, and they speak, which again was denied until one or two years ago.
Their are possibly three conclusions that could be drawn from the evolving picture in peoples minds of who the Neanderthal actually truly were and from what we have very briefly stated here in the information gathered in reference to Neanderthals over the past 160 years.
1. They Are Deformed Homo Sapiens:
It could be argued that the marked physical characteristics of these few specimens discussed are the results of rickets, sexual diseases, abnormal growth, or arthritis. Certain specimens with arthritis have often been used by evolutionists to try and prove a missing link between apes and men. The stoop of an old man through age and arthritis has been proclaimed to be a trophy of evolution. We must realize that within humanity there is great divergence found in old remains discovered in graves which show up unusual traits at times. But the fact remains that Neanderthal with their few unique traits did exist and that illness, arthritis, and deformity most certainly did not produce all of these remains.
2. They are an Extinct Family line within Adam's Descendants:
There can be no doubt that the Neanderthal were part of our human family, Adam's ancient race, and descendants of Noah. They lived in the post-flood world during the ice-age. Is it possible that their distinct family, kindred, and nation completely died out only leaving skulls and skeletons in caves and traces of DNA in the contemporary world population? If this is true then they were early people, most likely confined to a region, who suffered some great catastrophe. If they had been confined to Europe as most once believed then we could have said that they descended from Noah's son Japheth. However, we must note that they were not confined to Europe as first thought or to any other specific area of the world. It is now known that their DNA is widely spread among the worlds present population. That means that they had a close connection with the post Babel population.
3. They are the early Descendants of Noah's children who lived to an old age:
Their remains have been found scattered across Europe, Asia, the Middle-East and Africa. Each line of Noah's Son's seem to have had Neanderthals. This may show they were dispersed widespread. If the Neanderthal were the early descendants of Noah's sons, after the flood and after the dispersion from Babel at the beginning of the Ice Age then there is something we must consider. In the time between Noah's Son's and the dispersion at the tower of Babel men lived into their 400s. After the dispersion this soon dropped to the 200s. By the days of Abraham this dropped further still into the 100s. If the Neanderthals were among those dispersed at Babel then they initially lived to about 300 years old. Would this affect the shape of their skull and the structure of their build? If someone lived for this length of time their eyebrows and ears would continue to grow, the skull would change slightly in shape with the jaw moving forward. This would certainly fit the Neanderthals. If this is not correct then where are the remains of these ancient descendants of Noah?
, etc keep growing / there are now more Neanderthal fossils than any other /
They are the Immediate Post-Flood children and Descendants of Noah's children:
Dr. Jack Cuozzo, a professional orthodontist
1. They Are Deformed Homo Sapiens:
It could be argued that the marked physical characteristics of these few specimens discussed are the results of rickets, sexual diseases, abnormal growth, or arthritis. Certain specimens with arthritis have often been used by evolutionists to try and prove a missing link between apes and men. The stoop of an old man through age and arthritis has been proclaimed to be a trophy of evolution. We must realize that within humanity there is great divergence found in old remains discovered in graves which show up unusual traits at times. But the fact remains that Neanderthal with their few unique traits did exist and that illness, arthritis, and deformity most certainly did not produce all of these remains.
2. They are an Extinct Family line within Adam's Descendants:
There can be no doubt that the Neanderthal were part of our human family, Adam's ancient race, and descendants of Noah. They lived in the post-flood world during the ice-age. Is it possible that their distinct family, kindred, and nation completely died out only leaving skulls and skeletons in caves and traces of DNA in the contemporary world population? If this is true then they were early people, most likely confined to a region, who suffered some great catastrophe. If they had been confined to Europe as most once believed then we could have said that they descended from Noah's son Japheth. However, we must note that they were not confined to Europe as first thought or to any other specific area of the world. It is now known that their DNA is widely spread among the worlds present population. That means that they had a close connection with the post Babel population.
3. They are the early Descendants of Noah's children who lived to an old age:
Their remains have been found scattered across Europe, Asia, the Middle-East and Africa. Each line of Noah's Son's seem to have had Neanderthals. This may show they were dispersed widespread. If the Neanderthal were the early descendants of Noah's sons, after the flood and after the dispersion from Babel at the beginning of the Ice Age then there is something we must consider. In the time between Noah's Son's and the dispersion at the tower of Babel men lived into their 400s. After the dispersion this soon dropped to the 200s. By the days of Abraham this dropped further still into the 100s. If the Neanderthals were among those dispersed at Babel then they initially lived to about 300 years old. Would this affect the shape of their skull and the structure of their build? If someone lived for this length of time their eyebrows and ears would continue to grow, the skull would change slightly in shape with the jaw moving forward. This would certainly fit the Neanderthals. If this is not correct then where are the remains of these ancient descendants of Noah?
, etc keep growing / there are now more Neanderthal fossils than any other /
They are the Immediate Post-Flood children and Descendants of Noah's children:
Dr. Jack Cuozzo, a professional orthodontist
One last set of facts.
red hair, rosy cheeks, fair skin, freckles, straight thick hair,
bow legs,
/ large brain - great intelligence / / allergies / This Russian boxer, Nikolay Valuev
but much of their evidence for 150 years has been manipulated, misdiagnosed, lied about, and abused.
/ arthritis and rickets /
One last set of facts.
red hair, rosy cheeks, fair skin, freckles, straight thick hair,
bow legs,
/ large brain - great intelligence / / allergies / This Russian boxer, Nikolay Valuev
but much of their evidence for 150 years has been manipulated, misdiagnosed, lied about, and abused.
/ arthritis and rickets /