Church Oversight

Keith & Candace Malcomson (2006-2022), ministered in Limerick since 2005 at church meetings, conventions, and short-term Bible Schools. They ran a three week Bible school each summer in Limerick with believers, young Christians, as well as mature leaders, who gathered in from more than twenty countries to be taught God's Word. Many wonderful testimonies have come out of these times.
Keith is originally from Banbridge, County Down, in Northern Ireland, but lived in several different countries over the years. He has functioned in a great diversity of ministry with broad spiritual experience over the years among many different churches and nationalities. He served in full time ministry since 1993, first in evangelistic work on the streets in several countries, then in overseeing a local assembly in Scotland for several years, followed by a travelling ministry teaching the Word in different nations. After thirteen years of constant travelling to preach and teach the Word of God in Europe and other nations, as well as holding short term Bible Schools to train leaders for ministry, the Lord called Keith and Candace to start a new church here in Limerick. Their chief desire was to know and glorify Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
Keith is originally from Banbridge, County Down, in Northern Ireland, but lived in several different countries over the years. He has functioned in a great diversity of ministry with broad spiritual experience over the years among many different churches and nationalities. He served in full time ministry since 1993, first in evangelistic work on the streets in several countries, then in overseeing a local assembly in Scotland for several years, followed by a travelling ministry teaching the Word in different nations. After thirteen years of constant travelling to preach and teach the Word of God in Europe and other nations, as well as holding short term Bible Schools to train leaders for ministry, the Lord called Keith and Candace to start a new church here in Limerick. Their chief desire was to know and glorify Jesus Christ and to make Him known to others through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

Candace Malcomson (1970-2022) was originally from Durban, South Africa, but lived in Ireland since the year 2000 after being headhunted to take up a position in music education at Cork School of Music as Head of Strings. When they married in 2006, she left her career to be by Keith's side as a helpmeet and co-labourer in the ministry. Both were published authors and they continued to work on further books and material, as well as writing articles constantly.
Candace believed in the biblical principle of the older woman training up the younger woman. She was very active in friendship, fellowship, and instruction with the ladies. She proved her self not only to be a woman of God but a Mother in Israel far and wide. She understood the ministry of the Word that Keith was called to and made it a focus to make sure he was able to minister effectually without hindrance. Her organisational skills and abilities behind the scenes were amazing and spiritual.
Keith and Candace gave themselves unitedly for a period of nine years to the task of establishing this church in Limerick City as a strong functioning witness. They carried a deep love for this city and its people. They were burdened to see the oppressed and depressed go free, the broken hearted healed, those who were suicidal saved, the drunkard and drug addict delivered and set free, and the evolutionist, atheist, and sceptic convinced that there is a God in Heaven. The people of Limerick became their closest friends and family.
Sadly after a two and a half year battle with cancer, Candace went to be with the Lord on the 7th of August 2022. She was remarkable in her fight; so courageous and brave, victorious and faith-filled to the end. This was devastating to Keith and the church yet God's grace has been very evident in sustaining them and moving them forward in God's plan and purpose. Her ministry to the ladies, to the children, and in worship is sorely missed and constantly remembered.
Through the regular preaching and teaching of the Word of God Keith continues to seek the salvation of souls, to see believers sanctified, and a church brought to maturity in Christ which will glorify Him; a church that will walk in true holiness as a witness to His resurrection from the dead. He carries a strong vision, burden, and prayer for a Heaven Sent Revival. Nothing else will meet the need in Ireland other than a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.
Candace believed in the biblical principle of the older woman training up the younger woman. She was very active in friendship, fellowship, and instruction with the ladies. She proved her self not only to be a woman of God but a Mother in Israel far and wide. She understood the ministry of the Word that Keith was called to and made it a focus to make sure he was able to minister effectually without hindrance. Her organisational skills and abilities behind the scenes were amazing and spiritual.
Keith and Candace gave themselves unitedly for a period of nine years to the task of establishing this church in Limerick City as a strong functioning witness. They carried a deep love for this city and its people. They were burdened to see the oppressed and depressed go free, the broken hearted healed, those who were suicidal saved, the drunkard and drug addict delivered and set free, and the evolutionist, atheist, and sceptic convinced that there is a God in Heaven. The people of Limerick became their closest friends and family.
Sadly after a two and a half year battle with cancer, Candace went to be with the Lord on the 7th of August 2022. She was remarkable in her fight; so courageous and brave, victorious and faith-filled to the end. This was devastating to Keith and the church yet God's grace has been very evident in sustaining them and moving them forward in God's plan and purpose. Her ministry to the ladies, to the children, and in worship is sorely missed and constantly remembered.
Through the regular preaching and teaching of the Word of God Keith continues to seek the salvation of souls, to see believers sanctified, and a church brought to maturity in Christ which will glorify Him; a church that will walk in true holiness as a witness to His resurrection from the dead. He carries a strong vision, burden, and prayer for a Heaven Sent Revival. Nothing else will meet the need in Ireland other than a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church.
Keith's Grandfather was converted under the preaching of an Evangelist from Waterford in 1959 called Frank Brae. Before his conversion in 1954 Frank ran Bookies in Dublin and Belfast. Some years later after his conversion Frank taught and discipled Keith's grandparents and parents in the Assemblies of God (AoG) church in Dromore, Co.Down. It was a spiritually strong church with seven elders appointed by Frank to lead it. Keith's Father and Grandfather were two of the elders. In the following years Keith's grandparents looked after new converts from off the streets of Dublin in their home in Dromore (some of whom had been drunkards), to disciple them and teach them the things of God's Word. This helped to remove them from the environment of their old life and to get them established in a walk with God. His parents made several trips south with Frank Brae and David Greenow to Dublin, Waterford, and Cork in the 60s to carry the Gospel to those in need. Since the early 60s Keith's mother has prayed for a genuine revival to sweep across the whole island of Ireland.
At present we are in the process of raising up a fully functioning eldership to oversee all spiritual matters in the church. These will be local men who will minister the Word of God, guard the flock, and lead in a biblical manner.
Brother Paul and brother Sof regularly lead at the Lord's Table, minister the Word of God, and look after the flock when Keith and Candace are away. They are both proven men who are faithful in the house of God. |
Sister Margaret was set apart publicly by the church in October 2019 to the function of Deaconess by the laying on of hands and prayer. She has proved herself over many years to be a faithful and vital functioning member of this local body. Sound in doctrine and holy in life. We also recognize God's grace on her life in carrying the burden of many practical areas which enables the smooth running of the building which releases Keith and Candace to concentrate on the spiritual aspects.
Our desire is to establish a strong Eldership and Deaconship as the Lord leads. Leadership needs time to qualify itself, room to grow and mature, and time to gain experience. Eldership carries the responsibility of spiritual ministry while Deaconship carries the responsibility of the practical side of things within the church. All those who operate in the spiritual as well as practical spheres of church life must first be proven and approved. We are never in a rush to lay hands on any man or woman.